Today is a huge day for the United States of America. We’re voting for a new president and the repercussions of the outcome are astronomical. It is an incredibly historic election because for the first time ever, a woman is on the ballot for a major political party. This election is huge. It is crucial. It is vital that we vote and make our voices heard.

As much as I would love for this post to go into detail about the misogyny, and hatred, and pure degrading chaos that has been this election, I simply want to say this: the President of the United States should have respect for all of its people. People of every color, of every race, of every gender, of every orientation, of every culture, of every economic status, immigrant and citizen alike. The President of the United States should be empowered by its people and listen to them and make changes that allow us to move forward with progress and not backwards. The President of the United States should want to unite us, not divide us. The President of the United States should understand our world and our climate and plan for our future. The President of the United States should be qualified and prepared and hold themselves accountable for their successes as well as their mistakes.

Hillary Clinton is not perfection, but she is the progress I want to see and the progress we need. I want to see Hillary Clinton in office. I want to say that I have a female president, that WE have a female president. Hillary is qualified. Hillary has worked and fought for the people of this country her entire career. She has actively worked to ensure we have jobs, immigration reform, equal rights, and a healthy planet for our future. Hillary understands our needs and she listens. Hillary is the right choice for me. And how cool will it be to say, Madam President and see history being made? I’m ready for it, and I think it’s about time.

If you’d like to know more about my views on why #ImWithHer, read the following links. These people help me explain it:

Dear Hillary “How Very Dare You(I too, was a huge Bernie supporter)

Ezra Klein “Understanding How Clinton Would Govern

Vogue’s “Hillary Endorsement

Michelle Obama’s “New Hampshire Speech

So please, everyone go out and vote today. Get out there and express the right that people fought so hard for us to get and have your voice be heard. Especially you, ladies! Less than 100 years ago we didn’t have this power, this voice. We have that voice now and whether you vote for her or not, a woman is on the ballot for a major party. This is history. Every vote counts. It matters. There are no excuses, go vote!


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